Have a burning question?
Send it to willowspringbands@gmail.com, and we'll answer it right here.

How can I find out if I owe fees?

Log into your My Music Office (MMO) account. This website makes it super easy for students and their families to keep track of fees owed and payments made. Don't have an account? Email willowspringbands@gmail.com.

What's the difference between an individual and general band fundraiser?

Funds raised by participating in individual fundraisers go directly into the student's account. These funds can be used to pay for band trips, marching band shoes, and other expenses. Examples of individual fundraisers include selling Butter Braids, coffee, popcorn, and Krispy Kreme donuts.

Funds raised during general band fundraisers support the overall band program by helping to purchase new instruments, music, and other necessities. Examples of these fundraisers include InstaRaise, the Dewey's Store, the Storm Classic, All-District Auditions, NCSU Seating, and concert or event bake sales.

What is a Storm Trooper?

A Storm Trooper is a band boosters who support the Sound of the Storm Marching Band. For more information on Storm Troopers, see the Parent Info page.